It takes Courage to start all over again.

“3 year recovery??? My God! How am I going to do this? I lost so much muscle, I don’t even recognize my own leg! Will I be able to get that back to play again? Wait 6 months on crutches? Will I be able to walk again??? I already lost so much muscle and it’s only been a month... what the hell is my leg going to look like after 6?? This hurts, I can’t bend my leg, how long is going to take for the swelling to go down? God this is too much!!! I don’t know... Wait I don't have a job anymore, how am I going to pay for this?God I NEED you.. this is too hard!!!”

Sometimes it takes blind faith. At this specific time all I could see in front of me were obstacles and didn’t even know where to start.

I cried a lot.  I was frustrated. Things I used to do that were sooo easy became so difficult. I can’t. This is too hard.

No! I can!!!

“IfeanyiChukwu - Nothing is impossible with God”

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

“God didn’t bring you this far to leave you”

This is where you show your faith. You are strong, you’re a Beast, you just have to take it one day at a time.

I'm Rebuilding The Beast.



Yea, i wanted to quit

But i couldn’t. I wanted to see the end of the story...

Bet it’s going to be good 😁

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